April 14, 2012
Pomona-Pitzer (O) - Claremont, CA

Women's 4 x 400 Relay

1 Calgary International T.C. A Tessa Gray, Sage Watson, Jenna Westaway, Kayla-Marie Rietze 4:37.63 3:47.56 3:43.01 3:31.63 3:47.56 4:23.97 4:10.32
2 UC San Diego A Sabrina Pimentel, Lauren Irish, Caitlin Meagher, Deyna Roberson 3:21.69 4:30.45 3:53.78 3:46.90 3:49.19 3:21.69 2:54.19
3 Run With Us/Mizuno A Ashley Manso, Brooke Turner, April Panteau, Leslie Cole 3:06.20 4:48.61 3:57.41 3:31.81 3:52.75 3:15.51 3:13.19
4 Fresno Pacific A Brandy Hurd, Hanisha Marshall, Ashley Tallon, Deirdre Wyrick 2:57.84 4:10.37 4:26.75 3:09.54 3:53.99 3:39.95 3:14.22
5 Southern Utah A Jasmine Mullins, Andrea Martinez, Jamila Pullum, Lizzy Butler 5:08.59 5:06.21 4:44.85 3:43.13 3:57.37 3:05.15 3:28.89
6 Point Loma A Jessica Mercado, Jennifer Van Wey, Kassandra Ham, Dominque Picker 4:34.57 2:49.52 2:47.13 3:42.04 3:58.75 5:10.38 4:46.50
7 UC San Diego
B Laura Schellenberg, Kamilah Foley, Jaqueline Rose, Raquel Ormsby 3:59.52 4:01.92 4:23.48 4:49.82 3:59.52 4:13.90 3:23.60
8 Redlands A Alexandra Blalock, Amy Pumputis, Ashley Lively, Emily Canales 4:34.08 4:22.06 4:58.12 4:05.23 4:00.42 4:26.87 5:10.15
9 Occidental A Ayana Foster, Sirena Van Epp, Claire Larson, Meghan Fruth 4:34.98 5:13.58 4:15.69 4:25.34 4:01.21 3:34.68 3:51.57
10 Concordia (Cal.) A Jordan Baker, Emily Ramey, Arielly Conde, Samantha Moser 5:19.35 2:54.42 2:51.96 5:11.98 4:05.65 5:09.52 3:43.55
11 San Diego A Emerald Raney, Kirsten Allan, Taylor Paschen, Cori Van Dyke 4:09.31 5:08.55 4:24.12 3:00.20 4:06.84 4:43.87 3:02.67
12 Point Loma
B Lindsay Honea, Emily Loogman, Jordan Manley, Aja Henry 4:05.60 4:43.19 4:03.10 4:30.66 4:10.61 3:43.05 4:30.66
13 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps A Laura Wyatt, Kelly Garton, Alisse Baumgarten, Danielle Knott 3:22.36 3:29.94 5:16.18 5:06.06 4:12.94 3:04.65 4:48.36
14 Cal Baptist A Ashlee Cervantes, Lexie Vukov, Malaysia Alexander, Jessica Reeder 3:02.48 4:43.86 4:21.05 5:11.74 4:13.44 3:40.50 4:28.65
15 Cal Baptist
B Jacqueline Anderson, Alyssa Neimeyer, Megan Smedley, Natalia Richeri 4:48.79 3:24.78 5:01.91 5:07.16 4:22.53 5:12.41 3:35.28
16 Concordia (Cal.)
B Michaela Becker, Laura Pluemer, Megan White, Leah Jaeger 5:19.09 3:12.51 5:34.92 3:04.60 4:23.71 5:27.00 5:19.09
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 1
1 Calgary International T.C. Gray, Watson, Westaway, Rietze 2:55.23 2:46.12 3:47.56
2 UC San Diego Pimentel, Irish, Meagher, Roberson 4:21.28 4:21.28 3:49.19
4 Fresno Pacific Hurd, Marshall, Tallon, Wyrick 2:50.82 3:39.95 3:53.99
5 Southern Utah Mullins, Martinez, Pullum, Butler 3:31.26 5:03.84 3:57.37
6 Point Loma Mercado, Van Wey, Ham, Picker 3:53.98 4:39.34 3:58.75
7 UC San Diego
Schellenberg, Foley, Rose, Ormsby 2:54.85 3:14.02 3:59.52
8 Redlands Blalock, Pumputis, Lively, Canales 4:07.64 3:36.38 4:00.42
9 Occidental Foster, Van Epp, Larson, Fruth 3:37.09 5:06.34 4:01.21
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 2
3 Run With Us/Mizuno Manso, Turner, Panteau, Cole 3:10.86 3:24.82 3:01.55 5:02.58 3:52.75
10 Concordia (Cal.) Baker, Ramey, Conde, Moser 4:35.13 3:46.00 3:06.70 4:08.11 4:05.65
11 San Diego Raney, Allan, Paschen, Van Dyke 5:03.62 5:06.09 4:34.00 3:44.63 4:06.84
12 Point Loma
Honea, Loogman, Manley, Henry 3:23.00 3:45.55 3:07.96 3:20.49 4:10.61
13 Claremont-Mudd-Scripps Wyatt, Garton, Baumgarten, Knott 3:45.12 3:04.65 4:10.41 3:17.30 4:12.94
14 Cal Baptist Cervantes, Vukov, Alexander, Reeder 4:00.77 4:05.84 5:14.27 4:53.99 4:13.44
15 Cal Baptist
Anderson, Neimeyer, Smedley, Richeri 3:16.90 4:14.66 5:20.29 5:09.79 4:22.53
16 Concordia (Cal.)
Becker, Pluemer, White, Jaeger 4:58.00 5:29.64 4:39.54 5:29.64 4:23.71